The Space

The Space

by | April 13, 2019

A ruin with beautiful light. A man wandering alone.  Pillars. Stone.  Rubble.  I have nothing to give.  My days of giving are over.  I have only old news of times long past.  I have nothing left to offer.  No comfort no teaching no education no knowledge no experience.  I am an empty shell.  Once grand, now beautiful.  filled with light.  Open arched window.  Magnificent.  Holy open. Wholely open.  Come, clear the floor a bit and dance, make music.  My acoustics are to die for.  So beautiful.  Make prayers and magic here.  Have shelter from the storms, but the light and the weather can also enter. I need some people to love me, bless me and be blessed by me.  So very much can happen here.  So much space!


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